FAAAZE is an unincorporated charitable association. Our aim is to provide a safe space for young people with special needs and disabilities to socialise.
Our team is made up of local volunteers and support staff from Fitzwaryn School. We are very grateful to them for their expertise and all they do to help us with the relevant compliance needed to run our group.
We also have volunteers from Faringdon Community College each year – students that are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
FAAAZE is a member of Oxfordshire Youth, the leading organisation for the youth sector in Oxfordshire. Our membership allows s to access training opportunities and to draw on the experience of their staff to help us plan and run sessions from time to time.
'Oxfordshire Youth have had a long relationship with FAAAZE and have seen it grow and develop. This nationally recognised Quality Mark Award demonstrates that FAAAZE operates at a high standard and its well-trained and supported staff and volunteers do a brilliant job. Oxfordshire Youth is committed to raising the standard of youth work across the county and FAAAZE are an excellent example of this.' (David Cruchley, Partnerships Manager)
FAAAZE is managed by a group of trustees who meet regularly to ensure all aspects of the organisation are run professionally. They also help to secure much needed funding, which allows us to purchase new resources and access exciting experiences for our members.
We've just received the great news that we've been awarded our "First Steps" quality mark.
“By achieving Ambition Quality, this organisation has made an ongoing commitment to quality improvement. They have demonstrated their approach to quality through an evidence-based portfolio and ultimately ensure the best possible service for young people.” (Head of Quality and Training, Ambition UK )
Our commitment to providing a professional service is always uppermost in our work.